What Can I Do?

The main thing to do is to spread the word! So few people seem to know about the proposals for Mynydd Maen or the sheer size of the proposed wind farm.

Inform yourself  fully of the proposal by visiting the Developers website and reading this website in full. It is hoped that this website will tell you of the actual scale of the project. CLICK HERE for links to the developers websites etc.

If you possibly can please contribute to our campaign fund to pay the fees of our expert who will help us oppose the multiple wind farms (3) proposed for  Mynydd Maen. CLICK HERE

Join our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/mynyddmaen

Tell other people, your neighbours and friends, work colleagues, everyone, about the proposal. Most people we speak to have not heard anything about it. On 17th of August 2023  81% of people on our Facebook page, did not know anything about the RES exhibition held in June 2023, or the online exhibition, before the 7th of July (the deadline for comments). Tell everyone about this website! www.mynydd-maen.co.uk

Let us know of any articles that you find that may be relevant, either share them on our Facebook page or email us. Write your personal feelings about the plans  and send them to us to include in “My Story” pages

Write an article that may be suitable to publish on this website, this may be about your concerns, how you think your life might be affected by this wind farm, your personal experiences of living near turbines or WHY? Include photos if possible

Look out for the planning application by searching for DNS/3276725 at https://planningcasework.service.gov.wales/ and study them carefully You have 5 weeks to object.

Help by volunteering to study one particular aspect of this proposal or distribute leaflets or suggest events to raise awareness and help raise funds.

Write to your councillor with your thoughts, now and when further plans are available. Torfaen Residents Click Here. Caerphilly residents Click Here.

Write to your MP with your reservations and observations. Torfaen MP is Nick Thomas-Symonds. Caerphilly MP is Wayne David.

Write to your  MS (Member of the Senedd)

Email  PEDW.infrastructure@gov.wales and ask to be informed about any developments in case number DNS/3276725

Volunteer to distribute leaflets (coming soon)

Put up a poster, available soon or print one from here

Download Poster