My Story

The suggestion that these developments will benefit the community is laughable.

by... Gail Williams

The suggestion that these developments will benefit the community is laughable. There are no jobs for local people and the turbines are not made in Britain despite us having a steel making industry in Wales.
It’s farcical and short sighted not to spend money on improving our capacity to store surplus energy in the National Grid. As for what happens to the turbines when their shelf life is limited is never discussed. As we know concrete road ways and bases will never be reinstated as is promised. One has only to visit sites where there were concrete pill boxes and aeroplane runways built in World War 2, to see the legacy of concrete foundations and buildings.
People mention the electricity pylons which are an eye sore, but no one wanted these above ground but why accept further industrialisation of our mountain when other forms of renewables should be promoted.
This development needs halting before the damage is done.